Don't Stress the Small Stuff πŸ‘€

Oct 20, 2023

We are once again excited to share with you valuable insights and tips to elevate your riding experience, boost your mindset, and enhance your overall performance.β€¨β€¨πŸš€

In this week’s Mindset and Performance Hack, we'll explore a powerful concept that can transform your approach to life's many demands and challenges: Prioritizing like a Pro. We'll delve into the world of Glass and Rubber Balls and discover how this simple yet profound concept can transform your productivity and mindset.β€¨β€¨πŸ€Ή‍♀️

Understanding Glass and Rubber Balls

Imagine life as a thrilling circus performance, where you're skillfully juggling tasks. πŸŽͺ

  • Glass Balls: High-priority tasks. Drop these, and consequences follow. Health, work deadlines, relationships, and commitments are your glass balls. ⚑
  • Heavy Rubber Balls: Important but won't shatter if dropped. Think work tasks, chores, or social obligations. They won't lead to disaster but can add stress over time. πŸ—οΈ
  • Light Rubber Balls: Nice-to-haves. No harm if postponed. Dream vacation or fun side projects fall here. πŸ–οΈ

Tips for Effective Prioritization

Now that we understand the concept of Glass and Rubber Balls, let's explore some tips and insights to help you master the art of prioritization:

  1. Reflect on Your Goals 🌟
    Take time to reflect on your long-term and short-term goals. What do you want to achieve? Your Glass Balls should align with these goals. Prioritizing tasks that move you closer to your aspirations is key to success.

  2. Be Realistic πŸ€“
    Don't overload yourself with Glass Balls. Limit them to a manageable number, focusing on what truly matters. Being realistic about what you can accomplish in a given timeframe will prevent burnout and frustration.

  3. Adapt to Change πŸŒͺ️
    Life is dynamic, and priorities can shift. A Heavy Rubber Ball today may become a Glass Ball next week. Stay flexible and adjust your priorities accordingly.

  4. Don't Sweat the Rubber Balls πŸ˜…
    It's easy to stress over tasks that aren't Glass Balls. Remember that most things in life are rubber. If a rubber ball drops, it's okay; you can pick it up later.

  5. Practice Self-Care 🧘‍♂️
    Your well-being should always be a Glass Ball. Whether it's getting enough sleep, eating healthily, or finding time for relaxation, prioritize self-care to ensure you have the energy and mindset to tackle your other Glass Balls.

  6. Learn to Say No 🚫
    Not every task or commitment deserves your attention. Politely decline or delegate tasks that don't align with your Glass Balls. Saying no can free up time for your top priorities.

  7. Plan Ahead πŸ—“οΈ
    Use a planner or digital tools to schedule your Glass Balls and Heavy Rubber Balls. Having a visual representation of your priorities helps you stay organized and focused.

  8. Celebrate Achievements πŸŽ‰
    Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Celebrating your victories reinforces the positive mindset necessary for continued success.

Do you want to dig deeper into this topic?
Listen to the full Podcast episode of Juggling Too Many Balls? πŸŽ§πŸ‘‡πŸ»


Knowing which tasks are like Glass Balls (super important) and which are like Rubber Balls (not as important) can help you be more successful and less stressed. Think of it like being a great juggler in your own life circus!

Challenge: We'd love to hear from you! Share one of your Glass Balls and one Rubber Ball.

Let's learn from each other connect with us on Instagram @jocelinlillienau

So, pick what's most important, and you'll do great.

We're here to help you along the way. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, feel free to reach out. We love hearing from you!



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