Are Your Goals Stealing Your Riding Joy?

Apr 29, 2024

Today, let's shake things up and get real about our goals versus our joy in riding. Are you so fixated on the endgame—maybe it's jumping a certain height or mastering a difficult maneuver—that you're missing out on the ride itself? Here’s a wake-up call to all who’ve been sprinting for the finish line: it’s time to slow down and actually enjoy the journey. Here's why and how.

Is This Really Your Dream? 💭
First off, take a hard look at your goals. Are they genuinely yours? Or are you just trying to outdo someone else or live up to someone else’s dream? It’s easy to fall into the trap of following a path laid down by someone you look up to or compete against.

Every Day Counts 🚀
Progress isn’t about a one-time triumph; it’s about the little wins every single day. If you’re making even tiny strides toward your goal, that’s a big deal. Celebrate those! And if you’re not celebrating because you're too busy looking at the peak of the mountain, you’re missing out on the beautiful views along the climb.

Learn, Don’t Envy 📝
Instead of envying someone else’s success, why not learn from them? If there’s a rider you admire, reach out. Ask about their journey, the setbacks, the wins, and what keeps them going. Most will be flattered and open to sharing tips that you can adapt to your own training. This way, comparison fuels inspiration, not frustration.

Be Patient, Stay Confident 🧠
Building patience isn't just waiting around—it’s actively working towards your dreams and knowing that the effort you put in pays off gradually. It’s the small steps that lead to big leaps in skill and confidence. So, instead of stewing over not being “there” yet, focus on how far you’ve come and how each ride makes you a better rider.

You Vs. You 🏆
The healthiest competition is the one against your past self. Strive to beat your own records, outperform your previous skills, and push your personal limits. This is the competition that will drive you forward without dragging you down.

It's All About Enjoying the Ride 🏇🏻
Ultimately, if you’re not enjoying your daily rides, if every session feels like a grind toward some grand achievement, you might need to ask yourself why you’re riding in the first place. Riding should be fulfilling, not just a means to an end. The joy is in the journey, not just the few seconds of triumph.

🎧 Listen to the full episode of ‘Are you Focusing on the Journey or the Goal?’ to dive deeper if you are real about your goals. 



Reset your focus, prioritize joy, celebrate every achievement, big or small, and approach each ride with a spirit of learning and improvement. In life and in riding, it’s not just about reaching a goal, but about the incredible experiences and growth along the way.

Do you have any questions, feel free to send it to [email protected]



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