Are Your Limits Holding You Back?

Oct 06, 2023

Imagine yourself being able to shatter your self-imposed limits and redefine what you believe you are capable of.  💭 Wouldn't it be great? 

This week we are delving into a transformative concept that can reshape your limits, redefine your comfort zone, and prove that you're capable of more than you think.

Welcome to the world of Push Weeks! 🙌🏻

What are Push Weeks?
Push Weeks are your ticket to pushing your boundaries for two or three intense weeks. The goal here is not to establish a sustainable routine but to challenge yourself with something extreme for a limited period. Remember, you can do anything for 21 days!

Here's how it works:

  • Define your challenge: Select a habit or goal you want to conquer.
  • Go beyond: Push the boundaries by committing to an extreme version of that habit.
  • 21-day commitment: Give it your all for three weeks, even if it feels tough.
  • Return to sustainability: After the challenge, revert to something sustainable. 

For instance, you're looking to develop the habit of drinking two liters of water a day, take it up a notch during your Push Weeks by aiming to down three liters a day for two intense weeks. Remember, the key is to go to the extreme. So pick any habit you'd like to work on and double it—make it truly extreme. You should choose something that stretches your comfort zone to its limits, something that you wouldn't be able to sustain for more than two or three weeks.

The Benefits of Push Weeks
But why put yourself through Push Weeks? Well, there are some pretty compelling reasons:

  • Feasibility: Your brain sees it as doable within a fixed timeframe.
  • Habit-forming: It helps you build positive new habits.
  • Redefining your comfort zone: What was hard becomes your new norm.
  • Boosting belief: You gather evidence of your hidden strengths.
  • Battling self-doubt: Past successes in Push Weeks become your secret weapon.

For example, if you conquer the challenge of jumping 1.25 meters during Push Weeks, suddenly jumping 1.15 meters feels like a walk in the park. It's all about rewriting the story you tell yourself about your capabilities.

Preparing for Push Weeks
Now, how do you get ready for these exciting Push Weeks?
Here's what you do:

  • Define your pillars: Identify the habits you want to establish.
  • Specific play rules: Set clear targets and commitments.
  • Prioritize: Move non-essential tasks outside of the three weeks.
  • Letters to yourself: Craft motivating letters for challenging moments.
  • Accountability: Enlist a partner or method to hold you accountable.

As an example, if you're committed to daily cavaletti work during Push Weeks, specify the number of repetitions or duration. Let your loved ones know about your three-week focus to avoid distractions. Write two letters to yourself: one to read when you feel like giving up and another as a future apology for quitting. Finally, find someone or something to keep you on track.

Push Weeks are like a rocket ride to your full potential. Get ready to challenge yourself, make new habits, and discover your hidden strength.

Listen to the Full Podcast Episode of How to PUSH Yourself Past Your Current Limit,  click on the links below: 👇🏻



So, here's my challenge to you: Send us an email at [email protected] and share with us the Push Weeks Challenge you're taking on!

We'd love to hear your goals and support you on this exciting journey!  🌟


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