Are you with the right people? 👯‍♀️

Sep 01, 2023

Every week, we aim to bring you valuable mindset and performance hacks. This week, we will explore the profound influence our environment has on shaping us and we’ve gathered insights for you. Let’s dive right in: 


💧  Water's Way of Changing
Water fits into any shape it's put in, just like how we change based on where we are. It shows why it's important to pick good places and friends.


👥  Your 'Average Five'
You've probably heard that you become the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. If that's true, then who's in your circle? Are they pushing you forward or holding you back?


💭  Emotions & Influence
Did you know that our environment dictates not just our behaviors but our emotional well-being too? Make a conscious choice to surround yourself with uplifting vibes and watch the magic unfold.

🧠  The Power of Conformity
People often do what others are doing. This week, see if you're just following the crowd or really being you.

💡 True Confidence vs. Bravado
Real confidence is silent and rooted in self-assurance. Learn to discern between genuine self-belief and mere ego-driven bravado.


🔄  Projecting vs. Protecting
Often, what people project onto others is a reflection of their internal world. Before taking feedback to heart, assess its origin – is it genuine advice or a projection of someone else's insecurity?

🌱  Join a Growth Community
Consider communities that encourage self-growth. Being part of such a group can accelerate personal development, offer support, and provide valuable feedback.

That's precisely why we created PEPP - the Positive Equestrian Performance Program. More than just a community, it's a group coaching initiative tailored for ambitious riders. Our mission? Elevating your Mindset, Performance, and Riding prowess to new heights. 

For those interested, check out the program at

Listen to the full podcast episode of The Contagious Effect of the People Around Us👇🏻


🔍 Weekly Reflection:
Take a moment to reflect on the people and environments influencing you most right now. Are they aligning with the person you wish to become?


Remember, each day offers a new opportunity to surround ourselves with the right influences. And we have the power to curate our surroundings. Whether it's the books we read, the people we interact with, or the spaces we occupy, each plays a role in shaping us. Choose wisely.



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