Don't Let Your Job Hold You Back in the Saddle

Sep 13, 2024

Is your job holding you back from your riding dream? Balancing a career with your passion for horses can feel like a constant juggling act. But don’t let your 9-to-5 keep you from reaching your riding potential! 🏇

5 Tips to Stay on Track When Your Job Feels Like It’s Holding You Back:
1. Reframe Your Time: Maximize Every Hour
It’s easy to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, especially when balancing a full-time job with riding. Instead of focusing on the time you don’t have, look at how you can better use the time you do have.

  • 🗂️ Create a Schedule: Identify small pockets of time for riding-early mornings, lunch breaks, or evenings.
  • 📅 Prioritize Wisely: Treat your riding like any other important meeting—make it non-negotiable.
  • 🚗 Use Commute Time: Listen to equestrian podcasts or visualize your rides to stay engaged.

2. Set Clear Goals: Define What’s Most Important
Sometimes, the real reason we’re not progressing isn’t about time—it’s about priorities. Ask yourself how badly you want to reach your riding goals and whether they are important enough to take action.

  • 📌 Break Down Goals: Define what you want to achieve in your riding and break it into actionable steps.
  • ✅ Identify Non-Negotiables: Set riding as a priority and make room for it in your week.
  • 📝 Be Honest: Adjust your goals if needed. Life changes, and your priorities might too.

3. Manage Your Finances: Align Spending with Your Riding Goals
The equestrian sport can be costly, and a lack of funds can feel like a major barrier. However, managing your money strategically can help make your riding dreams more attainable.

  • 📊 Track Your Spending: Look at where your money goes and redirect it towards lessons or shows.
  • 💼 Find Extra Income: Consider side gigs like teaching lessons or freelancing to support your riding.
  • ✂️ Cut Back Wisely: Save on daily expenses and redirect those funds towards your equestrian goals.

4. Seek Opportunities: Don’t Wait for Them to Find You
If you’re in an equestrian-related job and feel stuck, remember that you have the power to create opportunities for yourself.

  • 🗣️ Speak Up: Communicate your goals to your employer or trainer. Ask for more riding opportunities, responsibilities, or even mentorship if you feel underutilized.
  • 🤝 Network Actively: Connect with other riders, trainers, and professionals in the industry. Sometimes the best opportunities come from who you know, not just what you know.
  • 📚 Invest in Your Skills: Whether it’s taking an extra course, attending clinics, or learning a new aspect of horse care, the more skills you have, the more valuable you’ll be—and the more opportunities will come your way.

5. Practice Gratitude: Shift Your Mindset
It’s easy to get caught up in what’s not going well, but focusing on the positives can help you feel more motivated and fulfilled.

  • 🙏 Appreciate What You Have: Your job, even if it’s not ideal, is helping fund your equestrian pursuits. Recognize the stability it provides, and try to find gratitude in that.
  • 🎉 Celebrate Small Wins: Instead of only looking at big goals, celebrate the little steps you take each day—whether it’s fitting in a ride after work, saving a bit extra, or making progress in your training.
  • 📝 Keep a Gratitude Journal: Write down three things each day that you’re grateful for. This practice can change your perspective and help you feel more positive about your journey.

🎧 Dive Deeper into This Topic! Listen to the Full Podcast Episode: “When Your Job Holds You Back from Your Dream



Take Action, One Step at a Time! 💪🏼

It isn’t always easy, but with the right mindset and a bit of planning, it’s definitely possible.

Your dream is worth it—keep pushing forward, and don’t hesitate to make adjustments along the way. ✨

And as always, if you need support or have specific questions, we’re just a message away at [email protected]



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