If you are a HIGH Achiever - Read this!

Sep 14, 2023

Are you being too hard on yourself? Trust me, I've been in that place too. 

It's a common struggle among high achievers like us. Let's take a closer look at the not-so-fun aspects of self-criticism today, shall we? 

The Fine Line: Pushing vs. Demolishing 
It's great to push ourselves for growth, but we need to recognize the difference between constructive pushing and relentless self-criticism. Negative self-talk and harsh self-judgment rarely lead to positive outcomes. They can actually hinder our progress.

The Crushing Weight of Unrealistic Expectations
One key to overcoming this challenge is setting realistic expectations. Often, we demand perfection from ourselves, only to be crushed by disappointment. Striving for an unattainable standard can be emotionally damaging.

Define Your Success: What Does It Look Like?
Have you ever thought about what success means to you as a rider or competitor? If not, it's time to define it for yourself. Having a clear definition will help you avoid unconsciously expecting perfection. Your definition should be attainable and fully within your control. It's about continuous improvement, not unattainable perfection.

Focus on Change, Not Just Results
Here's a powerful mindset shift: focus on change rather than obsessing over results. When we only concentrate on outcomes, we miss out on opportunities to grow and evolve. Strive to be just 1% better every time you ride or compete. Over time, those small improvements add up to significant results.

Reflecting on Past Events
If you're feeling down about a recent event, ask yourself an important question: Did you do your best? As high achievers, we typically give our absolute best effort. So why be hard on yourself for not achieving what you consider "better"? Accept that you did your best in that moment, and remember that everything happens as it should.

Embrace Imperfection and Move Forward
Perfection is an unattainable standard. It's truly liberating when we realize that we don't have to be perfect. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, focus on what you can do differently next time to improve. Accept the past, learn from it, and use that knowledge to shape your future success.

To explore this topic further, check out the full podcast episode of "Are You Being Too Hard On Yourself?" You can find it by clicking on the links below. 


Remember, it's important to set realistic expectations, define your own success, focus on improvement, and embrace imperfection. You're always doing your best, and every experience, whether successful or not, is an opportunity to grow.

By the way, if you're facing any unique challenges like competition anxiety or finding mental balance, we still have a few spots left for The Equestrian Mental Game Intensive. A workshop that will be focused on YOU and your specific challenges. Don't miss out! Register now at

May your next move be the game changer!



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