Mistakes happen, and that's okay!
May 18, 2023
We know that mistakes happen, and guess what?! That's okay! Everyone single one of us makes mistakes, even Olympians make mistakes. Learning from mistakes can help improve your performance on your way to reaching your goal.
That's just it. How can you learn from your mistakes?
Well, that's what we wanted to discuss so strap yourselves in as we share some tips about how to refocus after making mistakes.
Focus on neutralizing mistakes. Remember, it's not a big deal to make a mistake, and don't waste your precious time or energy stuck on it. Instead, pay more attention to the positives so that these positive experiences stick in your mind better.
Move on as quickly as possible. There are two options after making a mistake: The first is to remain angry or frustrated, become tense then increase the chance of making further mistakes, or the second option is let go of these negative emotions, regain your focus, and get back to riding at your best. Surely you agree that this second option is the best way to go?
Define your post-mistake routine. You probably already have a routine without realising it, but we suggest purposefully creating a routine to help you bounce back from mistakes. A simple format for your new routine is something like this: When this happens: .... what the specific mistake is Instead of: ... what your current, non-helpful post mistake routine looks like I am: ... what you are doing going forward when you make this particular mistake.
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