Overthinking: Your Biggest Hurdle?

Aug 07, 2023

Ever find yourself stuck in a loop of overthinking when it comes to your riding, training, or competing? 

Overthinking can be a roadblock in the path to productivity and well-being. It can cause anxietyreduce focus, and hinder decision-making.

Thankfully, shifting from a state of overthinking to action mode can be easier than it seems. We've gathered tips for you to help you break free from this mental roadblock. 

  • Tip #1 - Visualize Your Ideal Ride
    Overthinking often starts from fear of negative outcomes. To combat this, spend a few moments visualizing your ideal ride. This positive mindset will motivate you to take action. 

  • Tip #2 - Seek Trusted Opinions
    Sometimes, making decisions about training, competing, or even purchasing equipment can become overwhelming. In such scenarios, it can be helpful to ask a trusted friend or coach for their opinion.

  • Tip #3 - Implement a Trigger Word, Sentence, or Question
    Creating triggers can effectively snap you out of your overthinking spiral and into the present moment. Examples include:
    • A focus word like "Focus!" or "Gallop!".
    • An affirmation such as "I confidently meet any challenge".
    • A grounding question like "Does this help me?"

  • Tip #4 - Stick to Your Riding Rituals
    Having pre-ride rituals can provide a sense of familiarity and comfort. Whether it's a specific warm-up routine or simply speaking to your horse before a ride, these rituals can prevent overthinking.

  • Tip #5 - Just Move!
    Inaction breeds more inaction, but the same is true for action. So just start moving! Taking the first step towards any action - whether it's practicing a new skill or just getting up in the saddle - can encourage further action.

  • Tip #6 - Set the Right Mood with Music 
    Whether you enjoy listening to peppy tunes while grooming your horse, or need calming melodies for focus during training, music can help ease overthinking and induce action.

  • Tip #7 - Focus on What's in Your Control
    It's easy to worry about uncontrollable factors like the weather or how your horse will behave. Instead, focus on things within your control such as your own preparation, training, and mindset.

Success, whether in life or in riding, is about staying in the moment, thinking positively, and always taking steps forward, however small they may be. Keep moving, just like you would when you're riding, and soon you'll find yourself far from the standstill of overthinking.


For more on this topic, listen to the podcast episode we recorded on this topic a while back 👇🏻



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