Rise Above Challenges 🚀

Sep 06, 2023

Ever feel like life just loves to throw curveballs at you? I totally get it! Challenges, those pesky speed bumps on the road of life, are about to get a whole new perspective. Each one comes with its very own silver lining – a lesson tucked away, waiting for you to uncover.

Growth is a journey, often filled with obstacles that can either set you back or propel you forward. Inspired by an enlightening section in the book "Ride Big", of which I had the opportunity to interview the Author, John Haime on my podcast.

This week we will outline common hindrances faced by riders and ways to overcome them. As a mindset Coach, I've seen these challenges in a lot of riders, and I've curated strategies to help address them.

 🏔️ Overwhelm: The Mountainous Goal

The Challenge: Big goals can often appear too intimidating, making us feel anxious and unsure of where to start.

The Solution: Begin with Baby Steps! Every big goal can be divided into smaller, achievable tasks. Commit to taking one action daily towards your goal. Success isn't achieved overnight but through persistent, focused efforts over time.

😔  Negative Self-Talk: The Self-Imposed Limits 

The Challenge: Doubting your abilities and attributing successes to external factors instead of recognizing your efforts can hold you back. As Theodore Roosevelt said, "Believe you can and you're halfway there".

The Solution: Reframe Your Narrative. Begin to view yourself as the rider you aspire to be. Develop positive "I am" affirmations that align with your goals, such as "I am confident", "I am riding big", and "I am capable of achieving my dreams".

❌  The "It Won't Work" Mentality: The Premature Surrender

The Challenge: Avoiding new approaches due to skepticism or giving up prematurely because of impatience can be a huge barrier. Just as the Chinese Bamboo Tree shows no visible growth for four years and then sprouts to 30 meters in just six weeks, your progress might also be unseen initially but can result in exponential growth later.

The Solution: Stay Open-Minded and Persistent. Approach challenges with curiosity and a willingness to learn. Even when results are not immediately visible, trust in the process and the journey.

🙅‍♀️ Excuses: The Comforting Lies

The Challenge: Allowing excuses to dictate our actions can prevent us from venturing outside our comfort zones. Results and excuses cannot co-exist.

The Solution: Identify and Challenge Your Excuses. Recognize when you're making excuses and remind yourself of others who have overcome similar challenges. Instead of searching for reasons you can't, focus on reasons you can.

Personal growth, especially in the world of riding, is a continuous process. The journey will be littered with challenges, but with determination, a positive mindset, and actionable strategies, you can overcome any obstacle in your path. As a rider, your journey to success begins the moment you decide to push past these common blocks.

Special Announcement:
The Equestrian Mental Game Intensive 🌟

Unlock the secrets to an unshakable mindset with our interactive workshop tailored to address your unique challenges.

Event Details:
📅 Date: September 16, 2023

🕙 Time: 10 AM CEST
Price: €19.90 – Incredible value for 2-3hrs of focused coaching with fellow riders.


Greatness isn't just a goal – it's a journey. Equip yourself with the right tools, mindset, and guidance to truly make your mark.



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