Stop Letting Nerves Sabotage Your Ride 🛑

Oct 22, 2024

Feeling nervous before a competition? Many riders deal with competition anxiety, but the good news is that there are simple ways to manage it.
Let’s dive into 10 practical tips to help you stay calmfocused, and perform at your best💪

1️⃣ Pinpoint the Source of Your Anxiety
Start by identifying what’s really making you anxious. 🤔 Is it fear of failure? Pressure to get a certain result? Worrying about making mistakes in front of others? Understanding the source is the first step.

2️⃣ Reframe Failure
Instead of seeing mistakes as failures, view them as learning opportunities. 📚 Every rider has off days—what matters is what you learn from them and how you improve.

3️⃣ Separate Results from Self-Worth
Your results don’t define you as a rider. 🏅 Focus on your progress, not the scoreboard. Your value isn’t tied to how you place in a competition.

4️⃣ Stay Present
Anxiety often comes from worrying about what might happen. Ground yourself by focusing on your horse’s rhythm or your breathing to stay in the moment.

5️⃣ Use Breathing to Calm Your Nerves
When we’re nervous, we tend to breathe quickly and shallowly. Slow down your breath—inhale deeply, hold for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. This helps your brain relax. 🧘‍♀️

6️⃣ Focus on the Process, Not Results
Set process-based goals (like maintaining rhythm) instead of focusing solely on the results. This keeps you focused on what you can control.

7️⃣ Prepare Your Mind as Much as Your Body
Just as you physically prepare, 🏋️‍♀️ mental preparation is key. Visualize your round, meditate, or mentally walk through the course to feel confident before the event. 🧠

8️⃣ Challenge Negative Thoughts
Our minds tend to focus on what could go wrong. But most worries never actually happen! When negative thoughts creep in, challenge them with positive ones. 💡

9️⃣ Use Your Emotions as Fuel
Nerves and fear are just forms of energy. Instead of letting them overwhelm you, channel that energy into focus and determination. Use them to sharpen your ride. 💥

🔟 Dare to Ask for Help
If you often feel competition anxiety, it's important to seek support. 🆘 Just as you're getting support from a dressage or show jumping trainer, a mindset coach is a crucial part in progressing in your riding career.


To dive deeper into this topic, check out our full podcast episode:
🎧 "How to Deal with Competition Anxiety"




At the end of the day, competition anxiety can be a tool for growth if you manage it well. By staying present, shifting your mindset, and practicing mental resilience, you can ride with more confidence and consistency. 🎯

We’re here to support you every step of the way! If you want personalized advice or coaching to tackle anxiety or improve your mindset, feel free to email us at [email protected] or apply for coaching at


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