What to do when fear creeps in? 🏇🏻

Oct 15, 2024

Have you ever felt that familiar knot in your stomach before getting in the saddle? Whether it's the fear of falling, making a mistake, or feeling judged, fear is something every rider encounters. But what if I told you fear doesn't have to control you??

Fear is built on three components: danger, vulnerability, and a sense of inability. By breaking it down in the moment, you can manage it and stay focused on your ride.

1. Sense of Danger
Fear starts with the perception of danger—whether it’s a big jump, a spooky horse, or the fear of making a mistake.

Quick Fix: When fear creeps in, ask yourself: Is the danger real or imagined? Rate it from 1 to 10, and see if you can lower that number by reframing the situation. For example, if it’s a jump, remind yourself that the poles will fall if you hit them.

2. Sense of Vulnerability
Fear also comes from feeling vulnerable—either physically or mentally. Are you worried about getting hurt, or more afraid of failing or being judged?

Quick Fix: Identify what feels vulnerable (your body, your horse, or your ego) and rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. Can you reduce this feeling by focusing on safety gear, your training, or reminding yourself that mistakes are part of learning?

3. Sense of Inability
Lastly, fear grows when you doubt your ability to handle the situation. But fear often magnifies these doubts.

Quick Fix: Ask yourself: Am I really incapable, or just doubting myself? Think back to times you’ve succeeded in similar situations and rate your ability from 1 to 10. Boost your confidence by recalling past wins.

When fear strikes during a ride, quickly:

  • Recognize the fear – without judgment.
  • Identify the danger – Is it real or imagined?
  • Check your vulnerability – What are you protecting?
  • Boost your ability – Remind yourself of your training.

By addressing even one of these, you can take control and move forward with confidence.

 To learn more insights on how to overcome fear by dissecting it, listen to the full podcast episode “Overcoming Fear by Dissecting It.”



Fear can’t exist without danger, vulnerability, and inability. Weakening just one will loosen fear’s grip. Trust yourself and your horse—next time you feel fear, break it down and remind yourself that you’ve got what it takes!

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