My Mental Journey Through STX Cyclus #1: Intro

This is a special series covering my mental journey through STX Cyclus. 

Me and the amazing Queentana van de Vrombautshoeve, are taking on STX Cyclus for 6-year-olds this season and there will be a lot of firsts for the both of us.

If all goes well, this journey will continue through to July, when the Belgian Championships for young horses in show jumping take place.

Am I certain we'll get there? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Something I am certain of though, is that we'll come across A LOT of mental challenges along the way and therefore I've decided to share this journey with you.

I'll be documenting the highs, the lows and everything in between. I'll explain to you how I deal with the mental challenges involved, so that next time you are in a similar situation, you'll know what to do.

For more info or to get in touch, make sure you follow me on Instagram: