Are You Treating Yourself Like an Athlete? - #22

As rider we are usually really good in making sure our horses have everything they need in order to perform to their full potential. But what about us as riders? Are you really treating yourself like the athlete you strive to be?
In this episode I'm sharing with you, the usual mindset shifts and tips & trick. This time related to health, fitness and nutrition. 
And not to forget,  we are also celebrating the podcast hitting 3000 Downloads, with a GIVEAWAY!
 The Prize: 1 free spot in the Positive Equestrian Performance Program
To enter the drawing, do these 2 things:
 1. Post about this podcast on your social media (IG or FB)
 - Make sure to tag me in it @jocelinlillienau
2. Give this podcast a rating/review in Apple podcasts or Spotify.

The winner will be announced at the live Webinar, with the topic, 10 mistakes that ruin your performance in the saddle and how to avoid with them, on March 15th, 

Reserve your spot at the Webinar:
For any questions, send me a message on Instagram: