Equestrian Performance Mindset

Equestrian Performance Mindset

Hosted by: Jocelin Lillienau

The Equestrian Performance Mindset podcast is teaching equestrians how to get the most out of themselves by training their mind alongside their riding skills. It provides actionable tips on how to: Improve...

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Are You In Control of Your Life and Riding? - #80

Have you ever felt like life was happening to you, and you were just a mere spectator?In today’s episode, I’ll be talking about the quote, “Life is what you make of it, not what it throws at you.”

Felt inclined to do...
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A Workaholic's Guide to Success - #79

Are you a workaholic? Do you find it difficult to switch off and take a break? In this episode, I will discuss some hard lessons I learned and how you can avoid making the same mistakes. Keep listening if you want to...
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3 Tips For When Things Feel Impossible - #78

Have you ever set a big, audacious goal for yourself but felt like it was impossible to achieve? If so, you're not alone. Many of us have set goals that seem too big to accomplish, and it can be discouraging to think...
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Improving the Connection Between Horse & Rider - #77

Are you curious about how your emotions impact your horse and vice versa? In this episode, San and I discuss the intertwined bond between horse and rider and how our emotions can affect it. We also give a sneak peek...
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Our Definition of Success - #76

What does success mean to you? In this episode, Lorna and I delve into the meaning of success and emphasize the importance of defining it in your own terms.Sign up for our Weekly Mindset and Performance Hacks...
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Is It Okay to Say "I Am Depressed"? - #75

Did you ever put up an appearance and pretended that you were all fine, while actually you were breaking on the inside? In this episode myself and Lorna Hogarth go deep into the importance of expressing how you truly...
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Competition Visualization Exercise - #74

Are you excited about today’s special episode? This is part 2 of our two-part series, where I share some valuable tips and strategies to help you perform at your best on competition day. In today's episode, I will...
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Show Day Prep Done Right - #73

How are you preparing a day before a competition? This two-part series will cover essential tips and strategies to help you perform your best on competition day. In this episode, we'll focus on mental preparation,...
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A Golden Formula for Quick Improvement - #72

Are you someone who tends to become negative after training or competition? In this episode, I will share a powerful formula for quick improvement that will help you reflect on your performances positively and...
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How to Stop Taking Failures Personally - #71

Are you taking failures personally? In this episode, I’ll delve into the topic of failure. Help you understand why you take it personally and how you can use failure to your advantage rather than causing you to go...
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Getting Out of a Slump - #70

How to get out of a slump and take control of your performance? We all experience slumps from time to time—where we make mistakes and experience less-than-ideal performances with our riding. It can be frustrating,...
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Let's CRUSH Your Limiting Beliefs - #69

What limiting belief or thought may be holding you back from pursuing your dream? In this episode, we delve into the underlying beliefs that may be holding you back from pursuing your dreams. These limiting thoughts...
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