Rise Above Challenges 🚀 Sep 06, 2023

Ever feel like life just loves to throw curveballs at you? I totally get it! Challenges, those...

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Are you with the right people? 👯‍♀️ Sep 01, 2023

Every week, we aim to bring you valuable mindset and performance hacks. This week, we will...

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Navigating Life's Challenges? Aug 22, 2023

Every so often, we encounter challenging situations in life. However, our reactions and coping...

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Overthinking: Your Biggest Hurdle? Aug 07, 2023

Ever find yourself stuck in a loop of overthinking when it comes to your riding, training, or...

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Transforming Pressure into Power Jul 11, 2023

Ever caught yourself pressured  to reach your goals or to win a competition or to learn...

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5 Tips to Stop Caring About What People Think or Say About You as a Rider Jul 04, 2023

Are you easily affected by the weight of others' opinions

It’s likely...

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Finding happiness and improving performance Jun 12, 2023

Improving performance and happiness often go hand in hand. By setting clear goals, developing...

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Growth and Fixed Mindsets May 24, 2023

Mindset plays a vital role in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and overall success. Two...

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Mistakes happen, and that's okay! May 18, 2023

We know that mistakes happen, and guess what?! That's okay! Everyone single one of us makes...

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