How is your jumping going lately?
In this week’s Weekly Hacks, we’re addressing a...
Do you often feel down when you see other riders doing better? This feeling is called the ...
Feeling overwhelmed by all the steps needed to reach your riding goals? Don't worry! We'll share...
Do you find yourself overly cautious and restrictive to your horse due to a past experience where...
Feeling overwhelmed?
Don't worry, we've got some practical strategies to help you stay...
Are you riding in the zone?
Today, let's talk about "flow" or being "in the zone"—a state...
How to Thrive Under Pressure?
By understanding and managing the pressure you feel, you can...
Do you also have that inner voice that chatters away all throughout the day?
This inner voice is...
What thoughts are you feeding your mind?
Positive thinking is important for improving your...
How are you dealing with a tough round?
What if it wasn’t the outcome you expected?